Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1st no Fav win meeting

Quick summary of tonights balls up....

I had the first true no favourite winning meeting since I started all this about 8 weeks ago. I also had 2 meetings that I got spooked on and pulled out of at the 4th race taking relatively modest losses. Both meetings were Harness meetings which i have said I wouldnt bet on because of low dividend issues, well these two meetings did produce fav winners after i stopped but they wouldnt have helped much because they had very low win dividends. So I have had an $83 loss because of 1 true no fav win meeting and my own lack of following my own rules... On the positive I did manage my losses well on the no fav win meeting and instead of that meeting giving me a $128 loss it produced only a $65 loss. The other $18 from tonight  came from me being a dumbarse.  

Im about 7 weeks in and still learning all the little tricks and quirks of making my system work.  Bugger.

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